Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Final Course Reflection

It has been an interesting couple of months discovering, learning and re-learning a number of useful Web 2.0 tools. It has enhanced my classroom environment and most importantly my students' learning. Even though I did gain valuable information from each Module, I will make a special mention of Module 4, 8 and 9.

Each of these Modules focused on tools that I have not discovered or learnt. I became quite interactive within these Modules in the following ways:

Module 4: I ventured out onto Vimeo and found additional videos for my lessons rather than always using Youtube.

Module 8: I receive RSS Feeds from a number of relevant domains that relate to my KLA.

Module 9: I have yet utilised Second Life, however this is definitely a tool I will not neglect.

Overall this course was great and I recommend it for all 21st century teachers, especially considering that there is a demand and shift for the use of technology in the classroom.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Module 10

Virtual learning communities such as Google Sites, Ning and Wiki provide a space to present knowledge to a community which can be controlled by more than one participant. In particular Wiki pages can be created, edited and saved by more than one user to collaboratively collate information for different purposes. In effect this can avoid countless emails bouncing back and forth in order to confirm details or information.

The use of virtual learning communities is one of many ways a teacher and class can collaboratively learn together effectively. I will refer to Wiki as I feel that this tool will enhance the learning that occurs in my classroom. It not only shares information that can be edited by students but it can organise groups, events and resources.

Scenario 1: In Food Technology students are to work in pairs, present and prepare a recipe of their choice. How will the teacher record the pairs? WIKI. Wait! The students can record their group and they can also record what they are making to ensure their are no clashes. The responsibility is on the student, so its first in first serve. The learning involved can rely on students accumulating a variety of recipes which can give other pairs ideas for future reference. Remember what you learn is always carried through in life.

Scenario 2: An assessment task for Technology (Mandatory) has been set and students are required to brainstorm a list of recycled materials needed to make a 3D bedroom model. Where was this list created? WIKI. One student can only think of three items: bottle caps, paddle pop sticks and tissue boxes. Another students adds to the list scrap fabrics. Eventually a list of 40 items are brainstormed by the whole class and therefore the low ability students will not be limited with ideas.

Scenario 3: Year 12 Textiles & Design students have an informal task that will run for the duration of the course. They are required to find websites that support content they have learnt and share it with their classmates. How will they share these websites with their classmates? WIKI. The page is titled 'Fabric Decoration' and students can write what it is and examples along with websites that helped them along the way.